Reality check

There is unquestionably an uneasiness and anxiousness about the H1N1 virus. In general, I haven’t been overwhelmingly concerned about it, as the symptoms mimic a severe flu. Not that the flu is trivial, but seldom critical for the healthy. But, being in a ‘high priority’ family with Delaney under six months, we thought it best to follow our pediatrician’s advice and seek out the vaccine for all of us. Last night, we joined hundreds of other people at a local high school in an attempt to receive the vaccination. Needless to say, we were turned away, as they only had 700 vaccinations and the line already extended from the cafeteria, outside and around the school, and nearly the full extent of the soccer field. My heart ached for those families with young children who felt the urgency to wait in line for hours in the dark and cold, in order to protect the health of their family, as well as for those who were turned away. That image still bothers me, as there is something that seems inherently wrong with it. For our family, however, we were more fortunate. Today, the kids’ clinic’s supply was replenished and they both received theirs this afternoon, while I was able to get mine from my own doctor—all of our appointments taking just minutes. Rick remains unprotected for the time being, but we are definitely better off than we were 24 hours ago. I just wish everyone could feel that same comfort.



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