Delaney’s gear


There is no limit to the amount of baby gear available for infants:  bouncers, swings, high chairs, the list goes on and on.  I really dislike all his equipment—it is usually large, bulky, plastic, and rarely the kind of stimulation I think is really appropriate for infants—they frequently seem to be an onslaught of annoying ‘‘music” and bells and whistles designed to function as a substitute caregiver.  That said, there is a point where the unpredictable sleep schedule of a baby also requires a place to put them when necessary.  I can’t put Delaney on the floor when I take a shower, I can’t hold her while I make meals, and sometimes I just need a break.  This collapsible travel swing serves as my ‘helper’ upstairs and a bouncer and highchair serve the same purpose downstairs.  She doesn’t really like either, but tolerates them for enough time for me to take care of various routine things throughout the day.  I look forward to the day when I can donate and discard these things.  Until then, I continue to remind myself that these are just a few of the insignificant little things that come with babies, but are temporary and will eventually be gone from sight. 


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