The puzzler

Cole and I started to do puzzles together a couple of months ago. He has always been intrigued when Franny does hers, and I wanted to add another activity for us to do together when we have our one-on-one time. It was a little slow at first—he wanted to do Franny’s harder puzzles, and with those appropriate for him, he didn’t seem to really understand what he should be doing. He’d get a few pieces together, while I did most of it. But, he enjoyed it, so we continued. After a couple of weeks, it was like a light went on. He started putting together more and more pieces, and now he can complete a 24-38 piece puzzle almost by himself. Now, when Franny is gone, that is what he wants to do. I love to watch him and listen to him as he talks himself through it: I need to turn it…this matches this…that doesn’t go there! And, my favorite—I did it!

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